The Journey Begins

Fri, August 30, 2013-


The journey begins!  We sold our home in Andover, MA, sold Windscape II – our Sabre 38, and bought our Hylas 49 – Quintessa.  After much planning and many projects, we finally left the dock at Dion’s Boatyard in Salem, MA and sailed to Provincetown, where we picked up a mooring and treated ourselves to the launch service for the next three days.  bIMG_0434As always, we interspersed more boat projects with trips to shore.  With a sewing machine on board, Sara spent one day finishing all of the pillows for the salon.

On shore we found a wonderful frozen yogurt shop called Bliss.  And Bliss it was!  They sell an all natural plain frozen yogurt we fell in love with.  Shamefully, and deliciously, we were there twice a day until we left.  We got friendly with the owner who generously gave us a printed copy of her recipe on our last day.  We made the yogurt for weeks, and then bought an ice cream maker in New York City so we could produce our own frozen yogurt on board.  Bob became the resident yogurt maker.

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2 Responses to The Journey Begins

  1. Georgina Eliason says:

    Hi Im wondering if your bought was ever owned by a New Zealander as I sailed on he myself. Georgina (Australia)

    • skippy526 says:

      Thank you for your question and for reading our blog. No, the first owner of our boat who had it built resided in the US.

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